PUBG Mobile Server Restriction
Pubg Mobile Team announced that it will limit the server restriction process of players in a short time. Pubg Mobile Server replacement process is a process of great interest when it is renewed almost every season. Players switch servers to buy Season tickets and perform tasks quickly and easily. The Pubg Mobile team, on the other hand, published the news that they will apply a Pubg Mobile Server Restriction, that is , 60 days mandatory between server changes . So can Pubg Mobile Server Restriction time be fixed? In our topic, we will share information that may be useful for you.
How to Fix PUBG Mobile Server Restriction?
When Pubg Mobile Season 16 starts, the server restriction feature that is activated in this feature is now active. If you change servers, your server will remain the same for 60 days, so you should make a good decision to change servers. If you switched servers for duty or any other reason and you were blocked for 60 days, you don’t have to worry, we can solve your problem in the easiest way. If you do the applications we will explain carefully, you will not be penalized for 60 days in any way. As long as the Pubg Mobile team does not understand this process or not, you can change as many servers as you want. Below we explain how to remove Pubg Mobile Server Restriction in the easiest way .
1. Login to Pubg Mobile.
2. Click on the “Mode” text on the left of the lobby screen .
3. After clicking on the “Mode” text, click on “Room”.
4. Click on “Set Up Room” in the lower left corner .
5. You will see the area where the Players will gather. Let’s assume that your server in the upper right area is Europe , choose it North America or choose a server you want.
6. Without pressing the Start option, we press the “X” text in the upper right corner and close it.
7. Your Server Is Now Changed.
What is PUBG Mobile Server Restriction?
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In line with the decision taken by the Pubg Mobile officials, with the start of Season 16, it prevented the players from changing as many servers as they wanted. Also, if you decide to switch servers in the middle of the season, your previous data will be processed to the server you just switched to. To put it more clearly, For example, your rank will be Diamond in the European server and Diamond in the North America server. The purpose of doing this is to have a regional advantage in a stable game environment and to minimize server delays thanks to the limitation.
How to Change PUBG Mobile Server?
If you want to switch between Pubg Mobile Servers and you are not familiar with how to do it, we will explain how to change Pubg Mobile Server in a few steps .
1. Login to Pubg Mobile.
2. Click on the mode text above the start text on the left .
3. An area with maps will open, click Settings in the lower left corner . A section called Match Settings will open. This section contains the phrase Select Server , from here you can switch to the server you want.
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